Thursday, July 12, 2007

What, Bobby Flay too?

Whilst trolling the food sites, I discovered that foodies not only hate Rachael Ray, they seem to despise Bobby Flay. A question was posed: Fuck, Marry, Kill and 3 names given: Alton Brown, Mario Batali, Bobby Flay. An overwhelming majority would like to fuck Alton, marry Mario, and kill Bobby. No reason was given for this. I like Flay. I enjoyed his food at the old Miracle Grill on 1st Avenue, and even got to go to the opening party of Mesa Grill years ago. He seems a personable fellow, has a fun tv prescence, and seems utterly harmless. I undestand why foodies tear into Ray, but Flay? I don't get it at all. Does anyone have insights into this? And personally, you're better off marrying Alton, Italian men are notorious for marrying, propagating, and dumping the kids on their wives whilst they go gallivanting around town for pussy. Just a word to the wise.


iowa foodascope said...

Mr. Gorilla,

I would agree. While I watch way too much food network, I sit there and stew about the celebrity chefs there that I can't stand while still watching them. But Bobby isn't one of them. He's living the good life and he shows it. Ray is just trying to, as my friend so succinctly put it, be the 'Oprah of Food'. You don't see the love there, just the dollar signs. Where with everybody else, you see the real love for food in their guts and primal instincts, the money is just 'icing on the cake' (sorry I had to)...

roy edroso said...

I would be interested to know your opinion of this: